Tea Time: Intermittent Fasting Diet
Fasting? Oh there are so many ways to do this diet! Is it healthy though? How do I do it? Do you even recommend it? Watch and find out!

Tea Time: The DASH Diet
Do you have high blood pressure or you just want to maybe lose some weight. Not sure what a healthy diet is and need some guidance. Watch

Tea Time: Vegetarian Diet
What is that vegetarian diet anyway? Are you vegetarian if you eat fish or eggs or dairy? Are there any health benefits to being vegetaria

Tea Time: Intuitive Eating
What happened to my ability to stop myself from eating? Can I get that back? Watch and learn hot to intuitively eat!

Tea Time: Extreme Diets
What's up with all these elimination diets? Do they work? Are they healthy? Those and a few other's answered in this week's epi

Tea Time: Detox/Cleanses
You want to jump start your new diet or weight loss program so you think I'll do a cleanse to get rid of all of that yucky stuff I have

Tea Time Tuesday on a Wednesday: The Seltzer Craze
Ever wonder what seltzer water is? What is the bid deal behind it? Is it really healthy or not? Watch this video and find out.

Tea Time: Urinary Tract Infections
This is about urinary tract infections, focused on kids, but also of all ages. What are the symptoms? What can you take over the counter? A